Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Journey of My Life

"Life is a journey and it's about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are and loving who and what you are."

Kelly McGillis

Been a year xda menjenguk blog. Hati sedikit terusik. Even x pernah writing about personal life (Which is very good), but then i think its true. Sometimes writing can bring us back to the previous time.

if people ask me what is my definition of life: i guess my answer will keep changing from year to year.

Last 2 years and above i might think career, education, and money play a big part (even money still does), but for now all i want is a knowledge and very good partner that will always be there through my journey.

Many lessons that i learned through this few years.

Paling penting rasanya dalam hidup tok PLEASE  JANGAN KUTUK/ANOK SAPA SAPA

You want to know why?

Let say ada orang tok anok ko, one day nya juak la akan menonggeng melutut mintak tolong and vice versa.

Life is KARMA.

Another thing,


This is quite private. First time padah hal personal. Insyallah semoga semua berjalan dgn lancar.

I'm getting married.

Guess i found very good partner that will always there with me.

And most important he love me just the way i love him.


Nope. There is no recipe for finding a partner. That is what i learned.

Lover = FRIEND + CRIME PARTNER + NEMESIS + FAMILY and etc. (He/she will meant a world to you)

And that is all depends on you.